Why Winston’s Memories?

 I decided to establish Winston’s Memories in response to the “cancel culture” deluge and recent extreme rhetoric attacking free speech in the United States and the western world. In recent years we have seen a dramatic widening of the split between political parties in the US, to a point where it is now a dividing chasm. What started as difference in political opinion is now disagreement over basic ideologies and a way of life. Liberalism in the US has changed to become radical leftist ideology, in many ways reminiscent of the early days of communism in the USSR.

I love my country and I don’t want to see it destroyed. I spent many years traveling the world, with a large portion of my travels in the Middle East, South East Asia and Eastern Europe. I am a student of history, with a focus on the USSR and their system of oppression and have extensively studied the Gulag “archipelago” (to borrow from Alexander Solzhenitsyn).

I started to write articles for my local newspaper in answer to recent events in our country. This blog is a collection of these articles. I hope to add more as time marches on.

As you may have deduced, the blog is named after the protagonist in George Orwell’s novel 1984, Winston Smith. It is Winston’s memories that allow him to see the folly of his times and keep him from accepting the “new history” he is tasked with writing.

Please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for reading,